Saturday, February 13, 2010

Having one of those days so I am going to put Pink in my CD player and jam out.. I love that girl.

Monday, February 1, 2010

To a very good friend,
You should know who you are...=}! Your beautiful and amazing.. You have so much going for you and your whole life ahead of you.. Don't settle for less than what you know you deserve and want from a relationship.. You shouldn't be afraid to make your wants and needs clear and find the person who will accommodate both... Speak your mind because its the most important for you to understand.. The rest will fall into place when it is suppose to. Follow your personal values and be proud of them no matter what. They made you who you are today and in my opinion that is a very cool person.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Here you go Nat..
So I havent been on this thing in MONTHS.. So I thought I would write something.. I went to homecoming @ my old school (Tintic) and watched my sister get 2nd place (1st att.) She looked so cute and it was really cool.. I had a great time..